Pet Sitting & Dog Walking Jobs

Your Guide To Obtaining The Very Best Pet Sitting & Dog Walking Jobs

There Are 3 Ways To Become a Pet Sitter & Dog Walker:

Become An Employee

– Rewarding, but you won’t make much money. 

 – Not many small businesses hire straight employees anymore, though we are sure that you can find one or two if you look around.

– There is less paperwork and preparation with this option.

Start Your Own Business

– Rewarding and exhausting!

– You have to become a pro at everything; marketing, advertising, accounting, legal, and so on.

– It will likely take you a while to create a large enough client base to sustain yourself financially.

Become An

Independent Contractor

– You find the most quality and consistent work by cooperating with established local pet sitting and dog walking companies as an independent contractor.

 – If you decide you would rather work with an app company, such as Rover or Wag, you will likely position yourself as an Independent Contractor. These apps won’t necessarily tell you to do this*.

What Is An Independent Contractor?

An Independent Contractor (IC) is typically an individual who forms a small business entity and works for themselves and others.

ICs typically have more opportunities because they can work with a variety of companies, as well as  for themselves (such as Rover, Wag, Angie’s List, local companies, etc.)

What the local, established pet sitting and dog walking companies (the real money makers) can’t tell you is that to work with you as an IC you must have your own small business entity. This is a requirement of the Colorado Department of Labor. They are also prohibited from giving specific instructions on how to become an IC. That is why we have created this website, to help guide people on the proper way to become a legal Independent Contractor.

We know, it sounds intimidating to create your own business entity, but we promise you it is easy, painless, and
you will be more qualified to get those pet sitting and dog walking jobs .



How To Become An Independent Contractor:

Step One

Create A Small Business Entity (Most Independent Contractors choose an LLC)

Where: CO Secretary of State Website

Cost – $50


Step Two

Request Your Business’ EIN #

EIN stands for Employer Identification Number. This is the equivalent of a social security # for your business. It is free. You must do this Mon-Fri between 7 AM-10 PM EST, or else you will receive an error message. 


Cost – FREE


Step Three

Open A Small Business Bank Account 

Any business you work with is required to pay your business entity in to a business bank account.
This is a rule of the CO Department of Labor.

This will also help you keep your business expenses (which are tax deductible), separate from your personal expenses.


Where: Any bank that offers a business bank account

Cost – Less than $50, often free


Disclaimer: This website is not intended to give legal or tax advice, and we advise that there is no “one-size-fits-all” option for individual business/tax decisions. We encourage people who are considering forming their own business entities to consult with an attorney and/or tax professional of their choosing to obtain specific advice and counsel regarding their unique circumstances.